Monday, September 10, 2007

A quote that exemplifies learning (LATI)

Find a quote that exemplifies what you think and feel about learning. Note why this quote resonates with you.

As often as a study is cultivated by narrow minds, they will draw from it narrow conclusions. [Auguste Comte and Positivism (1865)]Mill, John Stuart (1806 - 1873)English philosopher, economist and reformer

This quote resonates with me because I believe it contains an important caution about learning. If we do not approach information with an open mind, we learn absolutely nothing. This is not to say that one should except every item of information that is presented to him or her, but that each piece of information should be given fair and carefuly consideration before it should be accepted. If you build your knowledge up on false assumptions made by quickly rejecting or embracing certain thoughts or theories (or even alleged facts) than everything else you build upon it is subject to fall apart if this basic concept does not hold up to scrutiny.


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