Alright, this looks like a fairly scaled down version of word. It would take a while to figure out if it had all the same applications that are available in word but the basics appear to be covered.
The program also seems to have several useful templates. And anything with an emoticon is all good!
Why, with a lack of auto formatting, Zoho may be even more useful than word.
I am also interested in the idea of collaborating on a document. I have never used this feature in word either and I wonder how well it works.
Basically, while this application has some potential to get around some of the problems of word, it will surely have it's own frustrations. I'm not that excited about it, but it is good to know about for helping patrons who are having technical issues related to moving between computers.
Which makes me think that it might be great for public libraries who limit computer usage where a patron could get shut out of the computer that his or her work is saved on, to recommend this web app. since it would be accessible from any computer with the Internet. Start it at home, work on it at the library, pull it up for the teacher at school with no worries about losing disks or different versions of word. Leaving your documents accessible from anywhere without a storage device, now that part sound useful.
Guess I just might become a fan.
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