Friday, June 1, 2007

Week 1 Thing 2 - Pointers from Life Long Learners

I would say the easiest of the 7 1/2 life long learning habbits for me is play. After all that is how I have learned most of what I know about computers. The real trick is to just sit down and give it a shot and see what you can figure out.

I am most challenged by viewing problems as learning opportunities. I mean, after I'm done with the problem I might think that, but not during the solving stage. Although that depends on the type of problem I suppose.

I also dislike setting goals. I like working with a vague idea and letting things develop as they may. Which is probably why I so intensely disliked that whole 'Learning Contract' business.

And I am sorry to whoever wrote the program...but that whole mono log about giving one's self one's signature is cheesy(in a bad way) and teetering on the line between the acceptable and motivational speaking (please read as a synonym for unacceptable). Can we just get on with the learning things?

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